Arkadium Releases the Hardest Crossword Ever to Commemorate National Crossword Day 2024

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 Arkadium Releases the Hardest Crossword Ever to Commemorate National Crossword Day 2024 

 Leading Browser-based Game Company Delivers a New Crossword Game in Collaboration with Renowned Puzzle Master and Creator, Stan Newman, Alongside Offering Strategic Tips  


NEW YORKDec. 19, 2024Calling all Cruciverbalists! Arkadium, a leading browser-based game (BBG) company, shares that its next offering, Arkadium’s Hardest Crossword Ever, is out now and available exclusively on the platform. This formidable word game was created by the mind of puzzle master, Stanley “Stan” Newman. Those who dare attempt the crossword will find an intense challenge, featuring a 21×21 puzzle with extended answers, unrelated clues, and no reveal function. 


Watch Arkadium’s Hardest Crossword Ever Trailer above


Arkadium’s Hardest Crossword Ever is the brainchild of Newman in collaboration with the developers at Arkadium. Newman is a top, well-regarded puzzle master and previously served as the company’s Chief Brain Games Mastermind. He has been the Newsday Crossword Editor since 1988, created the “Crosswords with Friends” app, and has written over 150 books, including crossword puzzle books, word game books, and crossword reference books. Across Arkadium’s platform and networks, Newman has created several crossword games for the Arkadium community that have entertained fans over the years, earning over 281 million gameplays for his crosswords through the last five years alone. Players can find Newman’s signature collection of crosswords on Arkadium, which are made for players of all skill levels. 


“I’m excited to have created Arkadium’s Hardest Crossword Ever for fans to challenge themselves and enjoy,” said Stanley Newman, Puzzle Creator. “The entries are made with the widest variety: from the dictionary and miscellaneous factual sources – and we expect no more than five percent of crossword enthusiasts will be able to complete it. Will you be one of them?” 


To help players get a jump start on Arkadium’s Hardest Crossword Ever, Newman has created a pro tips guide that is available on the Arkadium blog section. 


About Arkadium     

Arkadium is the ultimate destination for browser-based games (BBGs) featuring over 1,000 games including perennial favorites Mahjong Dimensions, Word Wipe, and Jewel Shuffle. With an active portfolio of 75 first party games, Arkadium titles are played by 18 million players monthly, resulting in 150 million unique game starts. Players enjoy games at and also its wide distribution network including partnered sites USA Today, AARP, The Washington Post, Microsoft, and Mashable. Arkadium serves a global audience, with a majority of its players being based in North America and over 18 years old.     


Founded in 2001 by husband-and-wife team, Kenny Rosenblatt and Jessica Rovello, Arkadium makes games you can feel good about. Its mission is to create and curate quality browser-based games that can be enjoyed by grown-ups anywhere, anytime.  The company is headquartered in New York with a studio in Portugal and has been recognized as one of the ‘Next Big Things in Tech 2024’ by Fast Company, and a ‘Best Place to Work’ by Inc. Magazine, Ad Age, Crain’s New York, and more. To learn more, visit or follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn.     
