The Sandbox Announces Alpha Season 2 with New Gameplay and Social Content, Starting March 3
The Sandbox, a leading decentralized virtual world and a subsidiary of Animoca Brands, announced today its highly anticipated Alpha Season 2 will arrive on March 3. Alpha Season 2’s new experiences will welcome all registered users, including those who sign up during the four-week event, as another step in expanding The Sandbox’s unique, open metaverse. Following the successful first alpha which included the popular Lululand Christmas Eve Miracle experience, this season will host a variety of new adventures, including new content from Snoop Dogg and Hong Kong’s Star Ferry Pier, a time-traveling tour of the city’s famous pier brought to life by the South China Morning Post’s historic archive.
Part virtual real estate, part amusement park, The Sandbox fully embraces the idea of the metaverse as a continuous shared digital space where worlds and heroes collide to make magic. Players can find more details about Alpha Season 2 and The Sandbox by signing up for the newsletter here.
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